Friday, March 26, 2010


My "Square Foot Gardening" adventure continues! I bought some fingerling potato starts and many seeds including: Blue Lake Bush Beans, Collards, Royal Burgundy Bush beans, Kale, Bibb Lettuce and Thai Basil (for Vietnamese grilled meat salad wraps this summer!), Nantes Carrots, Half Long Carrots, Broccoli, Sugar Baby Watermelon, Cucumber all from Ed Hume Seeds. I also plan on getting pumpkin, salad mix, radishes, Yukon Gold potatoes, and maybe radishes and brussel sprouts which are delicious fresh. I'll keep you posted on our journey to more self-sufficiency through growing our own food. All I need do now is buy a few types of compost and some lath boards to mark of the square feet and I'm on my way! Here's a link from Amazon to the book:

Swag Bucks

Won another $40 in the wee hours of the morning. Today is super Swag Day where you can win a lot more bucks. If you use a search engine, you might as well be rewarded for it!



Sign up today only for $10 off. The prices are already great too!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I Just Won $5 Credit on My Fred Meyer Rewards Card!

I just won $5 credit from Fred Meyer's just by playing a game. You can play everyday until April 6th! You need a Rewards card registered to win. It will automatically be loaded on to your card.

Be sure to check back at my blog for more deals!

Spring Fever!

I'm dreaming of my upcoming square foot garden! I can't wait to dig in the earth. This style requires some specialized procedures. Not hard, just important for this type. Tired of arguing with hubby about it. He won't use Home Depot card for me to shop for peat moss, compost (at least 4 different types) and something w...ith a 'V'. He's a smart man! Better to pay cash!

All my garden dreams and my hand could be broken! Oh well, supposed to be easy just gotta use tomorrow's last nice day to do measuring then some ordering! I want greens, lettuce, carrots, potatoes, green beans, salad greens... mmm! Maybe even cucumbers and kohlrabi! And no I didn't leave tomatoes out on accident, I just don't like them! Oh! and maybe a pumpkin and Miles favorite Watermelon!

I'm also ordering organic seeds and will have an organic garden. Heritage and heirloom seeds. Always curious about purple carrots! No GMO here!

I pray God gives me strength and grace to keep it up!

Blessings Everyone,

Friday, March 19, 2010


I'm really cranky today. I don't know if it's the pain, the fact my printer won't work so I'm missing out on awesome coupons or if it's something else. I do have moments of feeling hopeful. That I can endure and make plans for a garden and can take care of and so what I need even if my hand has to stay in a brace or cast.

I look around and see people with missing limbs. Poorer than me. Greater challenges. Those who run marathons with 1 leg. I don't have that perseverance but hope to cultivate it. The first thing I must master is my get-up-and-go. Then I must know in my heart, inside and out, "love is patient, love is kind...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Scroll Down to Check Out Some of My Faves From Etsy.

I'm in pain but can't go to sleep yet. This computer is relaxing me!

Injured, Again!

One thing you'll learn about me is that I get injured a lot. I fall. Been to the neurologist had full brain work up and. Then went to orthopedist cuz they thought my out turned foot may be at fault. So I took another tumble in the kitchen. Then husband said it's some sort of curse. I thought about that while in the Urgent Care and he may be right. I got a picture of all his stuff he's holding on to from his 1st marriage. How he can't let go. This house is cursed! Or I'm just a clutz.

I was running in socks across the kitchen floor in socks and slipped on a piece of paper. Brought a big ceiling fan down on me that was on the kitchen table. This house will me cleaned up. Oh, yes it will. I'm the keeper of this home and I'm going to rid this place of as much clutter as I can. I won't touch Kurt's stuff (except for clothing with more than 3 holes.

On top of it all they think I may have broken my schapoid again. Hurts worse than last time! Bless me friends and pray for me.

I Just Won 3 Swag Bucks on just for using the toolbar!

I Just Won 3 Swag Bucks on just for using the toolbar!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day Light Savings Time

I'm not enjoying this at all. I still have a kid in bed and it's supposed to after 11. I'm truly a mixture of things running through my head. Like the kitchen I'm supposed to clean, the cinnamon I poured on the ant trail (I think they live in our walls) that's supposed to kill them, how to adjust temps on Fertility Friend to make up for the sleep disturbance, and all the messages in my mailbox. Sigh... The exhaustion of FM is debilitating.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Swag Bucks

I encourage all you out there that use search engines (which is pretty much everyone) sign up for Swag Bucks. You have opportunities to earn the bucks in a variety of ways. From searches, to visiting the website and checking out offers, up loading their tool bars, and secret Swag Codes. To date I have 4234 Swag Bucks! I've used my points in the past to get Pay Pal credit of $5 and Amazon gift card. I'm saving up for more Amazon gift cards. I love to read! But they also have lots of other categories to choose from. I can refer you if you click or cut and paste this link.

Morning has Broken

Kids are still asleep so I have some time to myself. Thinking about daylight's savings time. I hate the thought of 'Springing Forward' but it's the way things. I need as much sleep as possible!

There's a Great Deal offer today from 'My Frugal Adventures'. 10 pairs of sunglasses for $25. Click on the link below to check it out and sign up for her news letters. I was tempted to buy them, but I'd rather save up for glass lenses. I'm clumsy.

So on the agenda this weekend is pretty much just hanging out with the kids. Devin wants Mongolian grill, but I don't know if that's in the budget. I like spoiling them when they come, but can't always do it. Besides, she's 15 and prefers lounging around at home on the couch. Who doesn't? I definitely want to get Miles a hair cut. He looks like one of the Beatles and I don't like it. I want the hair off his ears!

I need to learn more about how to set up my blog page. I want to add links,pictures, video, etc but don't know how. I wonder if there's a book for that?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Other Interests!

Cloth diapering, baby wearing, breast feeding. And my newest passion is bulk cooking to freeze for a later date. I haven't gotten into a whole month of cooking ahead of time, but I do cook around a certain theme like chicken, turkey, ground beef. It's fun!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Greetings and Salutations!

I'm Erin and going to start a blog. It will be about my life, struggles with my walk with the Lord, SAHM, and frugality. I'm also starting my 1st garden this year and will attempt to learn to sew. I have fibromyalgia and migraines which can make it hard to mother but I do the best I can.

I have 4 children. The two youngest live with me and my husband and the 2 oldest live in Portland. What can I say they like the big city! So bear with me as begin this journey.

I look forward to sharing inspiration from a variety of sources as well as great deals and freebies!

I'm Erin. I'm mestiza (Spanish for mixed) in more way than one. My family is a mixture of colors and cultures. I'm a doula & lactation educator and hope for more children.
