Tuesday, July 27, 2010

CPAP Woes Solved, Sorta...

I've been noticing from the beginning that I was awaking each morning at about 3:30 to tear off the CPAP machine. It felt kinda like I was drowning and I had to remove it. I finally figured out that I've been opening my mouth to breathe which doesn't work. Also figured out that if I sleep on my side, I move the mask out of proper position. With these revelations I need realize one of those pillows for use with CPAP?BiPap users will be my best bet. There are many for sale on eBay, but I'll look elsewhere too.

I usually sleep on my side. It's hard to sleep on my back, and I never sleep on my stomach. After being pregnant a few times, you get used to sleeping on your side! And after not being comfortable on stomach (then a few months later on back) you grow accustomed.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Change of Heart

God has been gently nudging me towards a change of heart. The woman I wanted to be doesn't usually mirror my actions, my words. I love being a SAHM although it's a difficult at times. The rewards will out weigh the sacrifice in the end.

I've been praying and meditating about my office of Homemaker. I also was thinking about homeschooling. As a homemaker, I'm filled with the desire to create a home. What's that mean? To me it means home cooked meals and a routine. Trying to make my family comfortable and content. I don't know if it's because I'm getting deeper sleep (thanks to the CPAP) but I have more energy and desire to do those chores that I couldn't do before. It's hard with fibromyalgia to get the things done I'd like.

I want a less messy house. Well, at least the portions I can control; Kurt was just born messy! For the first time in years I actually cleaned the kitchen. Not the usual day to day, but the down and dirty expunging of the clutter and mess. I've kept it up for over a week and I'm quite pleased with myself. It's odd having the energy to do something but still feel exhausted as I do today.

I think gardening is helping me too. I go out almost every morning and water, weed, and prune my garden. It's so fun and the food is delicious! We plan on 4 more beds next year! Maybe more...

One of my biggest examples and inspirations is a man from Portland. He has the most beautiful flowers. His roses are truly divine. Yet he has no hands. That's right, he has arms but no hands. So if he can nurture something so lovely despite his circumstances, then so can I.